January 6, 2017 (links edition #5)

Two papers on governance, tax and financing issues in social protection…

Domestic resource mobilization and external financing: when does governance matter? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, Amadou N.R. Sy and Mariama Sow, December 2016, Africa Growth Initiative Working Paper 19

Can a poverty-reducing and progressive tax and transfer system hurt the poor? Sean Higgins and Nora Lustig, Journal of Development Economics, Volume 122, Pages 63–75


… and two others on related its politics and political economy (courtesy of Will Wiseman):

Social protection in an aspiring ‘development state’: The political drivers of Ethiopia’s PSNP, Tom Lavers, December 2016, ESID Working Paper No. 73

Understanding elite commitment to social protection: Rwanda’s Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme, Tom Lavers, ESID Working Paper No. 68


The new issue of ODI’s quarterly ‘resilience scan’ summarizing tons of resilience-related materials

Resilience Scan July – September 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience, Thomas Tanner, Emma Lovell, Lena Weingartner, Pandora Batra, Florence Pichon, Hani Morsi, Virginie Le Masson, Sheri Lim, Jonny Casey, Colin McQuistan, December 2016, Overseas Development Institute


An estimate on the (significant) local economic multipliers from trade and aid in refugees camps (Rwanda)

Economic impact of refugees, J. Edward Taylor, Mateusz J. Filipski,  Mohamad AlloushAnubhab GuptaRuben Irvin Rojas Valdes, Ernesto Gonzalez-Estrada, 2016, PNAS Volume 113 No. 27


A couple of recent urban materials, one looking at progress against the urban SDG (‘make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’) and the top 2016 blogs from the Urban Institute

Projecting progress: are cities on track to achieve the SDGs by 2030?, Paula Lucci, Amina Khan, Christopher Hoy and Tanvi Bhatkal, Overseas Development Institute

2016 review: Top Urban Institute blog posts, Nicole Levins, 28th December 2016, urban.org


A bunch of new papers on food and nutrition, including welfare impact measurement of food prices, food riots, technology in food delivery, and Bolivia’s experience highlighting the complexity of dealing with chronic malnutrition:

Food Price Changes and Household Welfare: What Do We Learn from Two Different Approaches?, Luca Tiberti and Marco Tiberti, 27th December 2016, Journal of Development Studies, in press.

Food riots and protest: Agrarian Modernizations and Structural Crises, Ray Bush and Guilliano Martiniello, March 2017, World Development Volume 91 Pages 193-207

Credibility and Portability? Lessons from CORE PDS Reforms in Chhattisgarh Anuradha Joshi, Dipa Sinha, Biraj Patnaik, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol LI no 37

Program in Bolivia improves nutrition practices but increases prevalence of overweight children. Where did it go wrong?, Gaston Gertner, Julia Johannsen and Sebastian Martinez, 20th December 2016, iadb.org


The DDD movement has been growing remarkably and encompassing a wide array of activities and perspectives. Here it is unpacked a bit further:

Doing Development Differently: Who we are, What we’re doing, What we’re learning, Leni Wild and Matt Andrews, 2016, Overseas Development Institute


Our new blog on universal basic income

Being open-minded about universal basic income, Ugo Gentilini and Ruslan Yemtsov, Let’s Talk Development blog, January 5 2017.


Links I liked, including an interview with Branko Milanovic, amazing satellite images, economists as plumbers, and the FT’s tribute to the late Tony Atkinson

To Understand 2016’s Politics, Look at the Winners and Losers of Globalization: An interview with economist Branko Milanovic, 20th December 2016, newrepublic.com

Our favorite satellite imagery of 2016, medium.com

Beyond incentives: The economist as plumber, David Evans, November 2016, davidevans.blog

Sir Tony Atkinson, economist and campaigner, 1944-2017